The Long Beach Island PTA

First LBI PTA Meeting
September 21st, 4p.m. @ Sunset Park, Harvey Cedars
Please join us with your children to kick off the start of the 2023-2024 school year
Light refreshments served
Please support the LBI PTA by being a sponsor for the 2023-2024 school year
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Sponsor Form
Riding the Waves of Excellence
LBI PTA General Meeting 4pm, October 17, 2022
LBI School Media Center
● Call to Order: 4:07 Kelly
● Pledge of Allegiance
● In Attendance
Danni Hagler, Jacqueline Ramilo, Christine Conrad, Kelly Linkewich, Marci Bleam, Coleen Garabedian, Danielle Agnello, Shelley Smith, Ashley Stabile on zoom
● Treasurer’s Report-
○ $37,329.22
○ Checks: $1501.00
○ Net total $38,829.23
● Committee Information
○ Committee Reports:
Auction Committee - This year’s auction is at Joe Pops Shore Bar on Dec 9 Tickets $55 Teachers/staff $60 Early Bird (on or before 11/22) $65 After 11/22 Tickets include passed apps, choice of protein, caesar salad, domestic wine and beer. You can purchase tickets through the online order form or print form and send into school with payment attn: lbipta We Need donations and sponsors!! Each grade sponsors a themed prize basket. Classroom parents will be reaching out with themes and requested contributions
Spirit wear Committee- Store closed Oct 20th Orders shipped home or school and distributed. Will open the online store again in Feb.
Book Fair Committee- Preview 10/28. October 31-Nov 3 *Will be open during parent teacher conferences. Still looking for volunteers!
Membership- 131 PTA members
Scholarship- Southern has given 2 free game tickets to pta members, tickets can be found in LBI school office in PTA mailbox
○ New Business:
Collecting Hurricane Ivan Relief Donations for SW Florida until 11/14 We are working with Citigate Ministries collecting for elementary and middle school aged kids in need of new socks, underwear, pajamas and new or gently used coats. Drop off at either school
Clothing Drive- will be sometime Mid November
Taking all clothing, there will be a 4 hour drop off window at one of the schools
Next meeting: 4pm November 14th LBI School Media Center
LBI PTA General Meeting 4pm, December 5, 2022
LBI School Media Center
● Call to Order: 4:03 Kelly
● Pledge of Allegiance
● Welcome and Introductions
● In Attendance: Kelly Linkewich, Judy Meehan, Danni Hagler (zoom), Coleen Garabedian, Marci Bleam, Frank Birney, Wes and Karen Barrett, Shelley Smith, Christine Conrad,Rachel McDill, Olivia Tilton, Jason Capelli, Danielle Agnello, Lindsay Meneses
● Treasurer’s Report:
○ $53,552.00
○ outstanding checks $3652.00
○ Net total $49,900.00
● Committee Information
See website for lengthy description of all committees at
Book Fair Committee: Extremely Successful!!
EJ- $4272 LBI-$3470 Total Earned-$7742.00
31 volunteers
Any future suggestions please email Danni Haggler at
Staff Appreciation Committee: Cookies and Cocoa Bar Dec 20th. Please drop baked goods for teachers and staff to school by 9am and email recipe to
Auction Committee: Auction Dec 9 6pm Joe Pops Shore Bar Over $10.000 in prizes, hors d'oeuvres, buffet dinner, open bar,live music, silent auction, raffle, 50/50. Over $13,000 in prizes! 170 tickets sold thus far
Hurricane Ian Donations: Accepting donations all year. Thank you to Rachel McDill for complimentary UPS shipping
Yearbook Committee: First committee meeting 1/4 All photos to be submitted thru drop box
Thundering Surf: School makes $6 per ticket sold. Need new chairperson next year
Membership: 137 PTA members. Membership directory sent out
New Business:
Executive board member vote- Treasurer's position. Rachel McDill voted in for 2 year term. Unopposed slate
Next year only one homeroom parent per class chosen by teacher
Next meeting: January 10th 4pm LBI Grade School Media Center
LBI PTA General Meeting January, 2023
4 pm, LBI School Media Center
LBI PTA General Meeting 4pm, February, 6, 2023
LBI School Media Center
● Call to Order: 4:03 Kelly Linkewich P
● Pledge of Allegiance
● Welcome and Introductions
● In Attendance: Kelly Linkewich, Marci Bleam, Coleen Garabedian, Christine Conrad, Rachel McDill, Jason Capelli, Dr. Kopak, Mr. Birney, Danielle Hagler, Shelley Smith, Karen Beetel, Danielle Agnello (zoom)
● Treasurer’s Report: Rachel will be transitioned into position and Lindsay will be out soon. Authorized bank signers will be Kelly Linkewich P, Marci Bleam VP, and Rachel McDill T as of Feb. bank meeting and adding Marci and Rachel to account.
○ Bank Balance: $68,938
○ outstanding debits and credits: - $6,462
○ Net total: $62,866
● Committee Information
See website for lengthy description of all committees at
Auction Committee: No totals in yet. Looking into new venues for next year. Ship Bottom Fire Co, LBI Foundation, Daymark, etc
Yearbook Committee: Look for Yearbook order info in March.
New Yearbook submission this year, everything will be submitted electronically. Look for greetings form which will be due back by 3/6 and 6th grade baby pic form due by 3/26. All photos of students in school settings should be submitted through Yearbook Photo Drop Box that will be emailed home shortly.
School Dance Committee: Candyland Themed Dance March 24 LBI School Gymnasium EJ Kids 5:00-6:15 & LBIGS Kids 6:30-8:15 DJ, Photo Booth, Cotton Candy Machine. Parents must stay, no siblings allowed. Looking for all artistic parents to volunteer their time to help with set and decoration making. Looking for donations of pool noodles, spray paint cans of any color,and empty papertowel and toilet paper rolls. Contact Coleen Garabedian text- 201-481-7660 or email- for more info or to volunteer
Assemblies Committee : One per month in March, April, May at each school.
Secret World of Robots 3/29 EJ 10:00 and LBI 1:00.
Dino’s Rock 4/20 EJ 10:00 and LBI 1:30
LBI- Lead U 3/2 Respect Tour 5/11
EJ Worry Woos Early May
Spirit Wear Committee: Opening online store in early March for one week. Look for new tote bags!
New Business
Garden Club- Karen Beetel is stepping down, looking for new staff member to take over the garden. Garden Club has asked PTA for funding for 6th grade pollinator project for butterfly plants and new signage for garden
OCVTS Scholarship- Kelly Linkewich proposed to the board adding a new $500 scholarship for those LBI students that choose one of the three alternative high schools MATES, PAA, or ALPS.Shelley Smith who chairs the PTA Scholarship committee suggested speaking to guidance dept at for the alternative schools for further info
There are three executive committee positions open for the 23-24 school year: President, Recording Secretary and Corresponding Secretary. Anyone interested should contact Shelley Smith or Chris Conrad by Friday, March 3rd.
Next meeting: March 6th 4pm LBI Grade School Media Center
LBI PTA General Meeting 4pm, April 3, 2023
LBI School Media Center
● Call to Order: 4:03 Kelly Linkewich Pres.
● Pledge of Allegiance
● Welcome and Introductions
● In Attendance: Kelly Linkewich, Coleen Garabedian, Christine Conrad, Rachel McDill, Jason Capelli, Dr. Kopak, Mr. Birney, Danielle Hagler, Shelley Smith, Wes Barrett, Karen Beetel
● Treasurer’s Report:
○ Bank Balance: $60,896.01
○ outstanding debits and credits:$2,533.84
○ Net total: $58,362.17
● Committee Information
See website for lengthy description of all committees at
Auction Committee: Income $29,910.66 Expenses $14,657.84 Total: $15,252.82
Field Day: Best Day Ever theme May 19 Rain Date June 2 Pta providing tshirts for all students
Yearbook Committee: Moving along great. Only accepting photos from faculty at this point
School Dance Committee: Candyland theme was a sucess, kids enjoyed. Next year look for new DJ
Teacher Appreciation: Quickly approaching, PTA looking for ideas
Assemblies Committee :
Dino’s Rock 4/20 EJ 10:00 and LBI 1:30
LBI- Respect Tour 5/11
EJ Worry Woos Early May
Spirit Wear Committee: Store closed, delivery early May
New Business
PTA Board Elections for the 23-24 school year. Nominees: Marci Bleam for president, Coleen Garabedian for recording secretary and Danni Hagler for corresponding secretary. Voting for these positions will take place at the 5/1 PTA mtg. There will be a special election Fall 23 for the vice president position.
OCVTS Scholarship Proposal- Shelley Smith- A 5th $500 PTA Scholarship will be awarded to a student who graduated from the LBICSD and is graduating from one of the three OCVTS Mates, PAA, or ALPS. Coleen Garabedian seconded and all in attendance voted YES
Thundering Surf Fundraiser: Tickets on sale now PTA makes $6 per ticket sold
Kelly is working with ALO to provide the 6th grade with 1-2 afterschool sessions to learn about our environment and ecosystem
Wes Barrett inquired about the clothing donation fundraiser and will spearhead for May
Next meeting: May 1st 4pm LBI Grade School Media Center